Hi Everyone !
This is a copy of our Robert Bench Management Company Resignations Letter :
The reason why they want to resign is :
1. They cant handle our residence complaints
As a new chairman this is my View to Robert Bench :
1. As residence Building management company complaints is something normal to building management company and this is not the reason to give .
My instructions is :
1.Give Me a new letter on your resignations based on current date and months.As for the one on top not valid.
2. Robert bench period of services to serina bay will be over until these things are done :
* the accounts hand over
* the complete reports of leakage and defect compile and given with picture on who is responsible
( Developers 1 file / Owners 1 file )
* After the new JMB can Find replacement new building management company.
* After proper handover of document and accounts to the new building management company.
So residence please help us in putting complaints to the management on leakage of you house fast ...
Chairman JMB 2010
Serena Bay Apartment