As residence we have the right to be granted excess to go in and out of this building as residence especially the most important common excess that is our building in and out doors , they MC can use what so ever rules that they can say but when it come to residence safety nothing can be excuse , as residence i questions the instructions that made by ustaz yusuf and members by locking our in and out common excess doors that is our exit point of emergency during fire or any other disaster if happen in this building ..
I have made a report to the BOMBA headquarters in penang pertainning this matter and BOMBA have come and made this inspections yet given out letter of thier result of this inspections that what are the things they have to open and what they MC can closed in the name of security ..
Below Is my Complaint Letter To The pengarah Of BOMBA Penang :
I have made a report to the BOMBA headquarters in penang pertainning this matter and BOMBA have come and made this inspections yet given out letter of thier result of this inspections that what are the things they have to open and what they MC can closed in the name of security ..
Below Is my Complaint Letter To The pengarah Of BOMBA Penang :
Assallammualaikum Tuan Pengarah
En Azmi Bin Tamat
TEL : 045047222
Saya Seperti Nama Dibawah Adalah Salah seorang penduduk Di Dalam Bangunan Bertingkat Ini Di Serinabay Apartment Jelutong Pulau Pinang ,
Tujuan Saya Menulis Email Email ini adalah Kerana Ingin Memohon jasa Baik tuan Mengeluarkan arahan Untuk Unit Keselamatan Bangunan Tuan Membuat Pemeriksaan Keselamatan Kebakaran Di bangunan Ini " Spot check " Demi Untuk Keselamatan Kami penduduk Dalam Bangunan Ini Yang banyak saya lihat Tidak Dititikberatkan Oleh Perbadanan Pengurusan bangunan ini Sekarang Yang hanya Tahu Memberikan Alasan " Jika Kamu Rasa Kamu Pandai Kamu Uruskan " Tetapi Pada Hakikatnya Masih tidak Mahu melepaskan Jawatan Mereka Walaupun Dah genap Setahun Mereka Uruskan tanpa Sebarang Panggilan Mesyuarat agung Sehingga kini ..
Yang membimbangkan Saya Dan penduduk sekarang Tindakan mereka Hanya Untuk Mengawal Dan mengurangkan KOS Sehingga Faktor keselamatan Kebakaran Dan Nyawa Kami tidak Dititikberatkan Langsung ..
- Sistem Pencegahan Kebakaran Alat Pemadam api Dan Lain Lain baru nak Renew Sedamgkan Dah lebih 2 tahun Tak renew ..
- Laluan Tangga Kecemasan Kebakaran Daripada Atas rumah Tangga Kebanyakannya Diletakkan Barang halangan Oleh penduduk Tidak diambil Tindakan Oleh Perbadanan Pengurusan Disini
- Laluan EXIT Keluar tangga Daripada banggunan Ini Di Kunci Dan di grill Dan kuncinya Tidak Diletakkan Secara Mudah Capai Dalam Kotak Break Glass Supaya mudah untuk Diambil dan dibuka pintu pintu ini Keluar Semasa Kebakaran ..
- Hose Air pemadam Api Yang hilang Dan rosak Tidak Di Pulihkan semula , malah Tiada Aliran air dalam hose ini dah lebih 2 tahun jika dibuka hose ini tiada air yang keluar ... ( Paip Hose warna Merah Di dalam bangunan ini Semua Tiada Air ) Di Bangunan Tempat Letak kereta Bertingkat Bangunan Ini Semua Paip Air Bomba Tiada Air ..
- System penggera Kebakaran Tidak berfungsi Dengan baik Dan sempurna
Saya Berharap Tuan dapat menghantar sepasukan Unit untuk Ke bangunan Ini berdasarkan Aduan saya Ini agar Satu pemeriksaan Dan tindakan Bolejh dikenakan Kepada Perbadanan Pengurusan Disini Jika mereka Menyalahi Undang undang Dalam Melakukan Kesalahan Kesalahan Pengurusan Keselamatan bangunan Di dalam bangunan ini dan minta Mereka Sediakan Serta Pulihkan Semula semua yang Rosak dan menyalahi Undang undang pada satu jangkamasa yang pihak tuan akan datang kali ke 2 untuk melihat adakah mereka mengikuti atau mereka engkar ..
Berikut dilampirkan Gambar Gambar yang saya ambil untuk penilaian tuan dan tindakan lanjut daripada pihak tuan :
Block A , 16-11-02 , Serinabay Apartment
Jalan Hilir Sungai Pinang
Jelutong , 11600 Georgetown
Pulau Pinang , Malaysia
Hp : 6012-4210765
Tel : 604-2815611
Email :
Sharing Your Visions , Your Values , Your Belief And Your Dreams
And Below Are The BOMBA Penang Reply To Me Back After Telephone Conversation With Its Investigating Officer Pertaining The results of this visit here ... He also mentioned MC of serinabay Cannot do like this just because the reason they dont have money .
We as residence see in the accounts statement of monthly usage there is money collected but why our security and safety is not a priority to us that have been paying maintainance without fails need to suffer and been given reason that we dont have money !!!
From BOMBA Feedback the result of this inspections done was turn into letter of report address to MC of serinabay to collect it but until now no action have been taken and yet all this doors still lock , is this responsibble action shown by this MC of Serinabay Now ?
MC of serinabay now is in power more then 15 Months allready and according to Act 757 Strata Tittle Act They must call for AGM and present all thier Audits accounts to the residence here in order to be allow to carry on in power or someone else need to take over this commities on behalf of the residence , they cannot be delaying AGM and COB komtar doesnt look into this matter yet favour them to carry on even it is more then 15 months manange by them . Does everything about law and order COB komtar need to wait for complaint then only they will act as actors saying they are doing thier jobs .. Doesnt they COB Have Monitoring Systems to check all accounts of MC / JMB in Penang Are in Order and order thoose or remind them that MC/JMB need to follow act 757 ? .. All this drama have been going on so much in so many place in penang , what are they COB are doing there in KOMTAR Level 11 ?
For this case truly clear that MC Of Serinabay Apartment Now Doesnt Care About BOMBA Requirement And Doesnt Even Care About Residence Safety In This Building ...
They Will Only Says
" Kamu Patut bersyukur kerana masih ada lagi orang yang memastikan lift air dan letrik kamu dibayar dan diuruskan "
Do they know that COB must be responsible if no one will take care or become MC / JMB of any building , Because managing " Bangunan Bertingkat " is under COB Komtar Juristition , even the sijil of mc / jmb is given by MBPP COB Komtar ...
By right all this can be solved if COB Komtar do thier work instead of to much politiking .. they just pandai Tai chi tolak sana tolak sini , yet ada pula seekor kambing yang boleh dikorbankan tak tahu undang undang COB komtar sudah terlepas Kerana kambing hitam ini ..
I have prepared lawyer to surcharge COB under act " Fails to Perfoms Thier Duties and Rasuah " by not singining the handover at that time until they show who is responsible for RM500K worth of back debt Done By Marwan and his jmb members / falsified audit report presented by jmb to COB komtar accepted by COB even i have letter from auditors company saying he the auditors dont do this audits report both me and auditors make polices report upon this matter and involed 2 auditors and company , polices commercial crimes say the need COB consent before anything can be taken action but COB with Ahli majlis Yusuf Belon push this police report and say let the polices do thier investigation but yet approved the fraud audit report presented in the JMB Agm to hand over , is this the way for COB to handle fraud case ? i only know that if COB fails to settle the handover that is near dateline in acts , they COB can be surchare for thier failure that why they bring Ahli Majlis just to use thier kambing korban tu sign this handover safeguard thier interest as they know i would not sign this handover / by right what that kambing hitam sembelihan is doing also is wrong as MC Member im the chairman at that time say NO !!! this kambing hitam sembelihan is Deputy Chairman Say Yes !! only 2 represntative of MC in this meeting at COB Offices , he cannot sign until he bring into commities meeting and get other members to agree with him then he can come in again to sign the handover , but this kambing hitam sembelihan just dont care and mentioned that ahli majlis is my friends not nice to not agree to him ..
Dont residence see how many Ahli Majlis Involved In this Case under my Hand , How many YB Come down to win confidence back of the residence here after i have diclosed YB wife conflict of interest ? Open your eyes !!!
Now Another Cover up for residence of Serinabay For so long A " New Public Playground " going to be given after reposession of state land at the side of serinabay for residence to say " Good Job " They care for serinabay residence ...
POLITICS IS SO DIRTY , Rakyat Is The One Suffering ..