Jan 28, 2012

Un Responssible Actions More To Selfish Actions By Our Residences Here In Serinabay Today 28.01.2012 ( Trowing Rubbish At Wrong Rubbish Bin )

Dear Residences ,

Today in front of my eyes , i saw this guy trowing 1 plastics bags of household rubbish at level 1 children playground rubbish bin . I have ask him to bring it down this plastics bags to ground floor green MPPP rubbish bin , he neglected to do this and yet give a reason that he pay his maintenance . I told him that this household rubbish is not suitable for trowing it here in the blue rubbish bin at level 1, as this rubbish bin is meant for light and small trash not household rubbish that can lead to rat and cockroaches infestations if put here .He doesn't care because he pay his maintenance's bill he can do anything he like and you cant do anything.

Below Is his Picture and House Units No and also the proofs of the rubbish that he trows.

See The Rubbish That He Trow 

This Is the house units 

This is the guy 
As chairman i really ask for co operations from all the residences here to give me supports and feedback's upon this kind of actions by residences here to fight in making this apartment more hygienic and healthier environment to live in .

Please remember paying maintenance is not a reason for us to act selfishness and doesn't think about others.

Working together in making Serinabay a good environment to live in , this just a few out of the rest that playing theirs part as good residences here in serinabay apartment .

That all for now