Jun 22, 2011

Dangerous Object At Children Playground Area In Serinabay Actions Has Not Been Taken By The 2010 JMB Until Now 22.06.2011

Dear residence today im going to bring your view into this matter , as a father for me it is very dangerous objects in children playing areas at level 1 poddium in serinabay apartment .

It is seem there is some sharp pointing out object apear to pointing out at our children playground , even though it is already covered but it is still dangerous because , children can trip over it and fall , children can excidently fall on to it and injured themself and the most dangerously it is a hazardous object that could cost live here, as far i have ask around this object is handle like this by 2010 jmb for so long until now and no different step and measure taken to change this situation untill now.

The Object Is High Enough To Be Trip Over Or Fall On To It 
The Object Is In Yellow Colour Pointing Out From The Children  Playground 1 Floor At Level 1 Podium 

As for the 2010 JMB And Jiran Wangi Sdn Bhd Don't only when i put this matter into this website only actions will be taken ...Always be aware of your working areas.

"Preventions Is Better Then Cure"

Please residence always remember our chidren safety is our highest priority 

That all for now .