Jun 18, 2011

From 19th June 2010 Until Tomorrow 19th June 2011, End Of One Year Period Of 2010 JMB In Serinabay Apartment

Dear Residence ,

Tomorrow 19.06.2011 , Its is already one year our 2010 JMB Committees  has manage our building Serinabay Apartment from the 2009 JMB Committees.

As far i can see there is  a lot of things they have done and there still alot of things that they have not done ...As for now what can i say is that after this we are going to migrate from Joint Management Body to Management Committees a larger responsibility and commitment .

This Management Committees is really needs to be build up by those people that is fully responsible persons that with planning and visions to execute program and projects for residence improvement without forgetting future saving in our fixed deposit fund as shin king fund.

Apart from all this there is still matters that's pending to us as residence until now a questions with no answer :

  1. There is still until now no statement of account been display to residence in the notices boards at serinabay apartment for residence to see ?.
  2. When is our AGM meeting going to be held with all residence of serinabay apartment ?. 
  3. What is the validity of agreement status of renting out car park to residence using visitors lots , without meeting with residence upon making decisions by the 2010 JMB, how many percents of the residence agree upon theirs decision ?. 
  4. What happen to the level 4 car park owners that is written in theirs S&P with covered Car park but in reality no roof to covered their cars ?.
  5. Is all 3 sets of accounts send for auditing audited and are they all balances ?. 
  6. How much has the 2010 JMB collected residences debt in maintenance bills UN paid and how much left until now , it is the same , lower or increase until now from the day hand over by 2009 JMB ?.
  7. How many more months of extensions date will be requested by 2010 JMB in order to Handover by calling for AGM 2011 to the new Management Committees Of 2011 ?.
According to the act they will be given a extension by the COB as Cooling Period but the most importantly everything must be done before end of 2011.

As for me i really hope the next Management Committees will be consists of people with time and commitment persons at least they can give us residence 3 months one meetings with all residence in open areas to involved residences before making any decisions before making implementations,or major actions.

There is still a lot of rooms for improvement , all that we need now is committed people that has no personal interest and responsible to act to residence complaint not trying to hide and run from them.

All the best to all and always be fare to everybody as all of us sharing under one roofs 

That all for now.


serinabayresidencecomplaint said...

Residence Email I Have Received Upon This Matters:

from :Bakhtiar Abu Bakar abubbamy@gmail.com
to:En Mohamad Amin Bin Abdul Kadir
date:Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:00 AM

subject Re: [Serina Bay Apartment Penang Residence Complaint] From 19th June 2010 Until T...

Dear Amin, I like the statement for number 3 whereby the renting of the car park without collective decision from residence and how many residence agreed with this decision???. This 2011 JMB had make decision without discuss with a residence and I heard they also spend a lot of money without showing the account statement and it shown how they work without transparency to all, and I believe might be they had expense a lot of money and now they try to hide as much as they can.

Anonymous said...

Saya juga ingin tahu manakah JMB 2009 penyata akaun penerimaan dan pembayaran 11-8-2009 sampai 31-10-2010.

FA said...

Rujuk No.2 dan No 7

Pesuruhjaya Bangunan Akta 663

No.9(2)Mesyuarat agung tahunan hendaklah diadakan sekali dalam setiap tahun dan tidak lebih daripada lima belas bulan luput antara tarikh satu mesyuarat agung tahunan

No.11(2)Jawatankuasa hendaklah terdiri daripada pemaju dan tidak kurang daripada lima dan tidak lebih daripada dua belas pembeli, yang hendaklah dipilih di mesyuarat agung tahunan Badan dan hendaklah memegang jawatan selama tempoh tidak melebihi TIGA tahun atau sehingga pembubaran Badan mengikut seksyen 15, mengikut mana-mana yang terdahulu.

serinabayresidencecomplaint said...

Saya Tahu Dalam Akta Ada Menyatakan Yang JMB2010 Mempunyai Kuasa Sepenuhnya Untuk Melaksanakan Sebarang Perubahan Yang dilihat sewajarnya Mereka Dalam Urusan Pentadbiran Bangunan Ini ...Akan Tetapi Jangan Kita Lupa Yang Wujudnya JMB 2010 Adalah Untuk Mendengar, Melihat , Menyelesaikan Masaalah Penduduk Bangunan Ini Yang Mana Kesaksamaan Dan Keadilan Perlulah Di Laksanakan Dengan Baik Dan Sempurna ...Tanpa Penduduk Disini Tiada JMB2010. Jadi Pandanggan Dan Pendapat Penduduk Majority Di Serinabay Perlulah Di Lihat Dengan serius Bukan Nya Menggunakan VITO Terhadap Minority Dan Terus Buat Keputusan Yang Mana Menggunakan Duit daripada Majority Ini Dalam Melaksanakan Sesuatu Yang Penduduk Tidak Suka ...

Contohnya : 53 Tahun Kerajaan Malaysia Melaksanakan Pelbagai Kemajuan Dan Penambahbaikkan Kepada Rakyat Malaysia Akan Tetapi Disebabkan Mereka Tidak Mendengar Kata Rakyat Dan Melakukan Apa Yang Mereka Suka Akhirnya Mereka Di Hukum dalam Pilihanraya Ke12.

Bagi saya Apa Yang Dilakukan JMB2010 Ini Ibarat Kerajaan Yang tidak Mahu Mendengar Suara Penduduk Disini Umpama Rakyat Yang Akhirnya Pada Pemilihan JMC ini Nanti Pasti Akan Dihukum Penduduk Disini ....Cuba Beranikah JMB2010 Buat Mesyuarat Sebelum 19.09.2011 Ini .

"You All Can Run But You Can't Hide"

Run From Hearing Residence Problem And Disadisfaction, But They Can't Hide From AGM 2011.

serinabayresidencecomplaint said...

Apa Yang Pasti Jika JMB2010 Hendak Menyambung 2 Tahun lagi Peganggan Kuasa Mereka Di Serinabay Ini ..Semuanya Juga Perlu Dilakukan Dan Mendapat Persetujuan Serta Mandat Penduduk Di serinabay Ini Dalam Mesyuarat Agung , Jika Mereka Tidak Mengadakan Mesyurat JMB2010 Ini Tidak Sah Sepertimana Dalam Akta 663. Segala Keputusan Perlu Dilaksanakan Dalam Mesyuarat Bersama Pernduduk Dan Mendapat Undian majority Bagi Meneruskan Hasrat Mereka Terus Berkuasa 2 Tahun Lagi Disini.Kita Tunggu Dan Lihat Adakah Mereka Akan Menghormati Penduduk Di Serinabay Ini Dalam Memanggil Untuk Mesyuarat Atau Cara VITO Mereka Yang Tidak Hiraukan Kata Kata Penduduk Dan Buat Apa Yang Penduduk Tidak setuju Asalkan Mereka Setuju.

Anonymous said...

Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan hendaklah dipanggil sebagai di bawah Akta 663 No9 (2)seperti berikut:

````Mesyuarat agung tahunan hendaklah diadakan sekali dalam setiap tahun dan tidak lebih daripada lima belas bulan luput antara tarikh satu mesyuarat agung tahunan````